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The Hybrid Monkey on My Back


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I entered a Zen state of higher consiousness every time I worked on the Z. I don't remember the hours upon hours of toiling, I was able to redirect my memories in a lucid dreamlike state and replace those many many many hours of knuckle banging, metal shard cutting, hot solder burning, gasoline in the eyes moments with playing with puppies, eating fresh chocholate chip cookies, the warm lazy feeling of waking up on a saturday morning with nothing to do, and the feel of fresh crisp twenties as they are rubbed togeather or counted :mrgreen: ....


...I wish. :cry2:


Actually my wife is alergic to dogs, I am on the Atkins diet, I can't seem to sleep late anymore, or have any free time, and if I had two twenties to rub together I'd buy a new speedo guage. But when I think about it... It's almost as good. :rolleyesg

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That is so hard...what's up with the new avatar? Got a new evil look to go with the new evil post count?


Pretty much, I'm actually a terrorist now. Dirka dirka, sherpa jihad muhamed bacca lacca dacca..... :)



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