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bs ticket and how to fight it?


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My personal experience with BS tickets...


On my way home from work one night a cop pulled me over for doing 46....in a 45 zone. Go figure. It was friday night around midnight (i work nights). I'm sure he really pulled me over for being the only car on the road at that time.

ANYWAYS. Of course he caught me on the most chaotic night of which I couldn't find my proof of insurance. the ticket was something ridiculous like 300+ dollars.


The next day I went to my local Clerk of Courts and had a court date set.


I dressed up real nice and told the judge what happened, and showed him proof that I was insured at that time and the current time. He immediately


threw the ticket out and I only had to pay a 3 dollar court fee.


So in your situation, if you explain to the judge very cool headed that the cop that wrote the ticket was out of line, or wrong, then you most likely will have the same outcome! or at least a reduced ticket fee.

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You did fine in accepting the $55 'obstruction' penalty with no points. As the gambler song goes, "You have to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, yadda yadda yadda." So you did the right thing. Arguing with the judge who just extended grace to you would hav been fruitless. You made a quality decision and should be happy about it.



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My wife is an attorney, and I have gone with her on many occasions to traffic court for fun. She has also represented me a few times with good results. I have several observations. At your age, you can't afford any points on your record. You will likely never convince the judge of your version of the events over the officers unless you are very articulate. I would dress well, in a suit if possible. Also, hire an attorney if you can. That will close the credibility gap. An attorney can explain events in a way that is more believable to the judge. There is also the "old boys club" thing among legal types. On a couple of occasions, my wife chatted with the assistant DA about anything but the incident in question (the weather, the kids, etc). Then they worked out incredible deals for me in a matter of seconds. Not really fair, but that's how the system works.

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