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Anytime I'm in the left (fast lane) and see a car approching regardless of how much over the limit I am I move over before they have to slow. Common courtesy. I do everything I can to avoid pissing someone off as I know there are others that loose it faster than me. If this would have happened to me and I was not in the fast lane and I was in the roachy Z31 that can take a hit and be disposed of. I would have dropped it into second regardless if I was going 50 and let the S fly.

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I would have done the same as you.


Except I would have been at their trailer last night with a few bricks and different car... "adding property value".


I know i'm wrong in both respects...

Fine by me.


I'd be rethinking whether or not they were the correct choice a few hours afterwards. I eventually would come to the conclusion that I was wrong.


As it goes... hindsight is always 20/20.


But between you and me... I'd still feel good about it.

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