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Road rage: tempting fate?


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You have me in your "sights", John. I'm sorry if my posts appear political. That wasn't my "aim". I was "shooting" for philosophical. I guess I "missed" and blew out my own windshield?:mrgreen:


So, we headed down a political path with this thread?
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The folks here at hybridz are answering all my queries and I'm running a bit thin on questions... but I'll think of something!!:mrgreen: BTW, are you saying my posts in this thread are boring? I'm shocked and awed!!:shock:


Yo... Dan!!! What is this time-out thing anyway?! It messes up my posts... clears my textual input before I'm finished typ...........


Mike, it's time you posted one of your "interesting" threads in the Chevy V8 FORUM. The post count is way down....:-).




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Heh, heh... yup. And it's a good thing too considering all the eroneous server glitches and time-outs we see in internet forums these days:mrgreen:


EDIT: Oops... I meant :lmao: and :willy_nil and :rockon: ... not :mrgreen: . Thank God for the edit function... WHEW!!


Look at the bright side...You're almost a computer "guru". You've learned how to use the delete and edit function. :lmao:





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Situations like this is when it pays off to have a large, cheap, gas guzzling truck with big bumpers. When the shooting starts, run them off the road and keep driving. Go home, patch up the bullet holes with bondo, prime with rattle can (Multi color if possible). A .45 pistol is no match for 4000+ pounds of rolling steel and a total disregard for safety and human life :)



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Z-Tard....you warm my heart.

Glad to hear from ya!

Yep, right after the incidence, I was a mad MF! There is more to the story but I will keep that a private matter. It did send me on a path of being on gaurd while dealing with the general public. Especially on the hi way.


There are people out there that if sufficiently provoked will actually try to kill you for getting in the way their day.


It all turned out OK in the end and no further violence was required. If the chap had not had pissed off, shakey ass, poor gun handle, mads ass , spray the world down gun handling skills, it might have been different.

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You mean you were "mad"... or you were angry? There's a difference ya' know. The shooter was definitely mad... you were just angry... probably scared $#itless, actually... with a little anger mixed in:mrgreen:


I'll say this again... those people are f-ing crazy... lunatics... sociopaths and narcissists... jackasses. Stay away from them and keep your finger slutes to yourselves. Either that or follow Z-TARD's advice and drive a BIG TRUCK and run them off the road. It's your only self-defense:shock:


Z-Tard....you warm my heart.

Glad to hear from ya!

Yep, right after the incidence, I was a mad MF! There is more to the story but I will keep that a private matter. It did send me on a path of being on gaurd while dealing with the general public. Especially on the hi way.


There are people out there that if sufficiently provoked will actually try to kill you for getting in thw way their day.


It all turned out OK in the end and no further violence was required. If the chap had not had pissed off, shakey ass, poor gun handle, mads ass , spray the world down gun handling skills, it might have been different.

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You mean you were "mad"... or you were angry? There's a difference ya' know. The shooter was definitely mad... you were just angry... probably scared $#itless, actually... with a little anger mixed in:mrgreen:


I'll say this again... those people are f-ing crazy... lunatics... sociopaths and narcissists... jackasses. Stay away from them and keep your finger slutes to yourselves. Either that or follow Z-TARD's advice and drive a BIG TRUCK and run them off the road. It's your only self-defense:shock:


At the moment of the encounter, $#tless would be the correct state.

After I got away, anger took over. When the police failed to nab the dude, after about two weeks of sleepless nights, mad set in.

In brief, I started hunting for the a$$. And yes I did finally find him.

And I got lucky and didn't kill him. It actually worked out better than I had planed. Lets say that I'll bet he is still looking over his shoulder. But Im better now. And much more polite.

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Living in California, and driving on the freeways out here every day has promted me to seriously consider what I would do if shot at, and have contingencies in place for such an event. I don't make it a habit to intentionally piss people off on the road, but it does happen. Freeway shootings happen just about every week out here, and just about every day I see people driving like lunatics because of road rage. California is kind of known for it's gun laws, so carrying one in the car is not really an option. Even if I could, the legal system in this state seems more likely to favor the criminal in cases of injury or murder in self defense. The freeway is also not really the best place to engage in gunplay due to the large number of innocent bystanders. In large part, this is what motivated me to ditch my Mitsubishi Eclipse and buy a Cherokee. Unless the person shooting at me gets really lucky with the first few shots, I have a pretty good chance of knocking him off the road, or into a median, retaining wall, etc. He'll only have one hand on the wheel, so good luck with that spin recovery, buddy. An accident of that nature would require police to show up at the scene, so theres a pretty good chance they might discover the weapon and arrest the guy. As long as it's only he and his car that gets crunched, I'd most likely just keep on driving. On a crowded roadway though, this reaction would require a lot of discretion. If it would be too dangerous to other cars, I'd probably just back way off and let him drive on ahead while I take down his license number. I'd probably follow them home as well if at all possible, just to ensure an option for retribution later on if the police fail to act :evil:



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Huh!... I didn't know Ford people fought back....:icon45:

Nice one...

Look at it this way, the mulleted honyock with missing teeth and that meth sunken face was driving a........remember the story.......yep a Chevy Vega with a big rust spot. I didn't mention it but the truck that we were driving in was a bran new cherry red Ford pick up.

Now thats just plain meaness!:toetap05:

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