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Clutch problems

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I just recently noticed a problem with my 1980 (Manual) 280zx. After i depress the clutch and release it it only comes back half way and stays there. I can manualy pull it up the rest of the way with my foot and there is no resistence however it never returns all the way on its own like it used to the last time i drove it (about 2 days ago). Also it seems that it is harder to put it into gear and shift gears, there is even an occasional grind every once in a while (mainly when im switching into 1st from a stop). Is this a easily fixable problem or should i bring it to a shop to get it fixed?



EDIT: Ive come to the conclusion that i need to replace the slave and the master

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Chances are you have a pressure drop in the hydraulic system that actuates your manual clutch.


The usual problem is either a clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder, or a leak in the line between the two.


Quick checks you can do yourself are:


1) Check the Clutch Master Cyl. fluid level. If it is low then you have a hydraulic leak. Now you need to determine where that leak is?


2) If the fluid is low then fill it up and pump the clutch pedal however many times it takes to get pressure built up. Keep pumping as this will cause the fluid to leak out where ever said leak exists - and this will help you to find the leak upon visual inspection.


3) If your clutch master cyl's fluid is full then you probably have an internal leak at the clutch master cylinder or your slave cyl is leaking internally.


4) Look at the firewall where your clutch linkage hooks up to the clutch master cylinder inside the passenger compartment. If you see hydraulic fluid then the clutch master cyl is leaking and defective.


5) If you dont see a leak on the inside of your firewall where the linkage hooks up to the clutch master cylinder you need to look under the hood where your clutch master cylinder is mounted. Look for any wetness on, near, or around the clutch master cyl as this will be hydraulic fluid probably leaking from the rear of the clutch master cyl.


6) If it appears the clutch master cyl is not leaking this doesnt neccessarily mean the clutch master cyl is okay - as the clutch master cyl could be leaking internally (bad seals).


7) After you have filled the clutch master cylinder up with fluid and pumped the pedal - look under the car to for a slave cylinder leak. This slave cylinder is connected to the passenger's side of the transmission near the bellhousing.


This should get you heading in the right direction.


Usually a slave cylinder is in the ball park of $15 - $30 while your clutch master cylinder will be in the $20 - $40 range depending on if you buy from AutoZone or O'Reiley's. If you go to Nissan expect to pay double.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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