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Pork Rind!


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I have also seen the pvc roll bar but it was in a bronco. Go with the spinners for steering wheel. I saw spinners on amps, speakers, and exhausts the exhaust ones are spring loaded to pop out when you rev up the engine. Then the set will be complete



Ha! talk about Anti performance...


If it takes exhaust to push it out that must be a decent amount of restriction. Wow... This is all Pimp my ride's fault.

Damn you pimp my ride, Damn you to hell.

Cheezy upgrades will be the plague of the times, like rust is to our Z's.


Instead of "Damnit, more sheet metal please"

It will be... "wish they didn't put these LED windshield washer nozzles on"

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reminds me of the tuxedo t-shirt, or the one with the bikini girl's torso on it that fat chicks can wear...


Well, here is the ULTIMATE in pointless vehicle mods, even more pointless than the dangling nut sack you can hang from your trailer hitch:http://www.pierceyourride.com

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reminds me of the tuxedo t-shirt, or the one with the bikini girl's torso on it that fat chicks can wear...


Well, here is the ULTIMATE in pointless vehicle mods, even more pointless than the dangling nut sack you can hang from your trailer hitch:www.pierceyourride.com




I must go lay down now....lost the will to go on....

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You know society is turning to $#IT when each progressing generation continues to disappoint the previous one. We just continue to sink lower, and lower, and lower. Think about how music has "progressed" from classical to big bad to rock/blues to head-banger/punk to rap... PIERCED CARS?! Gimme' a break!! :rolleyes:


Pretty soon our last remaining citizens will be frickin' crack-head, child-molesting, thieving politicians with pierced private parts and riced-out Hondas... a real #ELL on earth:cry2:

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It'll be just like the road warrior...I've already got my spiked shoulder pads and bat with a doll's head on the end in a closet from when the world didn't end on Y2K, so I should be good and prepared to go out and fight for leftover gasoline when that day comes...


*edit* don't forget that we'll be talking in internet slang, too! Say things like "Dang Rtard, you just got Pwnd!....n0ob...

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Hey veritech... I'm fairly insulted... I thought that was a pretty cool look:sour: Go pick on a ricer your own size!!


It'll be just like the road warrior... spiked shoulder pads and bat with a doll's head on the end...

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