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Neutral Saftey Switch is a must

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All I can say is Oh Sh@t.

Make sure you have a neutral saftey switch or make sure you are not in gear.

Drove the car around the block about 5 times last night everything was working just great, what a rocket icon_smile.gif

I just got done parking the car in the back yard, putting everything away and saying good night to the car and a friend stopped by to hear the car. Well I started the car for him, me standing on the out side of the car, turning the key. The car decide to drive its self right thru the fence icon_sad.gif


Damaged the hood and scraped off the paint on one of the headlights.

Not much damage just a delay.

So just a note to remmeber to go slow take your time and make sure you have everything hooked up before driving or starting.


Neutral Saftey Switch is a must.


Adam icon_wink.gif

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Guest Anonymous

Oh man... Sorry to hear about that. The bright side is its not much damage (although the standing by your friend and watching your car go through a fence had to be a bit embarrassing icon_eek.gif )... I bet its a hoot with that ZZ4 for sure.






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Embarrassing? Oh ya

Lucky the car was ideling at 600rpms and I did not hit the gas.

The car just putted right up to the gate and then thru.

U-brake? The one time I didnt have it on.

hooking up the safety switch today.

On the other side of the gate was my friends car, missed by a inch icon_rolleyes.gif

All I could do was laugh icon_smile.gif

All in all what a ride icon_smile.gif the just wanted to cruze


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YIKES!!! Could have been alot worse. I have pulled some no brainers myself..to numeress to list icon_biggrin.gif . How do you like the zz4? Im thinking of going that route with short block only as Ive already got the other goodies. What king of compression ratio? Thanks Mike

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That must have been embarrasing! I'm sorry icon_smile.gif I almost drove my car right off the jackstands once (Front jacked up with no wheels). Needed to start the motor for something, not sure what, but it was in gear and when I turned the key to START it got stuck for about two seconds... That was so scary, man let me tell you. The jack stands ended up being at an angle, standing on TWO of their four 'legs'/corners. I thought it was going to come down any second. I ended up just jacking the car back up and moving the jackstands. I think the car went forward about a whole two feet icon_wink.gif And this was with the stock straight six, emissions and all. I'm not surprised your car took off with that ZZ4! icon_smile.gif


[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: Nion ]

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Guest Anonymous

Similiar story as the first only with worse results. 1968 pro-gas Camaro in the garage,I too reached in through the window and cranked it for a friend to hear it. It fired immediatly and lurched forward into my toolchest stack and put the toolchest through the wall into the living room. The car had a one piece fiber-glass front-end. I quickly learned about fixing busted up fiber-glass. Also house framing and sheet rock. The Mac tool box wasn't even scratched or dented. Boy, was my wife angry. icon_eek.gif

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Sorry to hear about your car; hopefully-Lesson Learned!


I've never done that myself, but one of my earlier insurance claims I took as an adjuster was from a Toyota Dealership. Their used car salesman was showing off one of their newly traded in P/Up Trucks.


Just so happened the previous owner had installed one of those "Remote Starter" kits. The salesman.., attempting to show off to the customer pressed the remote & not realizing that the Neutral Safety Switch had been bypassed, started the truck-which was a standard trans'd truck and happened to be in gear. Needless to say-the truck lunged forward & proceeded forward as it rammed into one of the new Toyota vehicles on the lot!


Talk about not only being embarrassed-but extremely dangerous. No one was injured-just slightly frightened with the only damage being the two dealer vehicles.


Dont ever bypass the neutral safety switch-too many bad things can happen.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Knowing how easily I can do the stupidest possible thing at any moment icon_rolleyes.gif , it was a no-brainer when I was doing the wiring. And the first electrical item I checked when I hooked everything up was the Neutral Safety Switch!


Sorry to hear your rep and paint got messed up!

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I was thinking about an alarm with a remote start option, simply bypass the neutral safety switch. But I thought about it and recalled how many times the valet parking guy had left my car in gear and me almost rear ending the car parked in front of me.


Thanks for the story, I have decided not to go with that option icon_smile.gif



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We've got a remote start on the Impalla. If it's not in park it won't start but it does bypass the brake safety. I considered one for the RX7 too since with the turbo timer I NEVER leave it in gear (feels really weird too!). However when I spoke to the shop they told me that while they've done several manual cars with remote starts they advised against it. Seems that every single one of the ones they've done has been started in gear at some point! I skipped it on the RX7 icon_eek.gif

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I had a similar experience about ten years ago. I was at the drag strip sitting in the staging lanes. I reached into the car to kick over the engine. My car started and immediately took off. There were people sitting on the car in front of mine. I lunged into the window and slammed it into park. The transmission clicked, and the car stopped inches from killing someone. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

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Pete, our Impalla starter DOES use the neutral start switch. However the RX7 is a stick shift. I THINK it has some way knowing when it's in gear but I'm not comfortable putting a remote start on it. Heh, I have no neutral start on the Z but perhaps forcing a foot on the brake would be a good idea?

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