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Target AFR & Spark Map Tables


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How are JPGs better than *.VEX files, or even *.MSQ files?


What is your setup? Turbo or N/A?


the files vary between firmware versions.

some msq files have different code in different areas that will cause corruption errors on the uploaded code when sent to the chip, and might cause it to not interface correctly with the program (bad, especially on a running engine) and some VEX files do almost the same thing, if i'm not mistaken.


however, the MS i built is still waiting for it's engine to be built. I gathered that above info from reading.

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Hear is an 8x8 table from a stock L28 (accept for 10:1 compression). It should get you close. I would enter this table and interpolate the other points in a logical manner. Then I would adjust your "Required Fuel" to get a smooth idle. Change the maps after the motor is warmed up.


Your targert AFR sould be in the 13.5 to 14.7 range across all load and RPM points. You can get close with the logging feature and a narrow band O2, but you really should get it on a dyno with a wideband O2 to get the most power out of it.


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