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Motorex/Hiro Criminal Investigation

Cal Poly Zmanaustin

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Thought this was interesting...appeared on SDU...


First, let me introduce myself. I am a detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. I work a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency vehicle theft task force in Los Angeles County called TRAP. I picked up the criminal investigation against Motorex and Hiroaki Nanahoshi a little over two weeks ago. The case started in 2005 when someone from Motorex reported the theft of (5) Skylines from their shop. That investigation was originally handled out of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Compton Station.


Since then, Hiro and an accomplice had been arrested on some other charges. That criminal case is being handled by detectives from Compton Sheriff’s Station. The case I am handling centers on fraud committed by Motorex as a corporation, and by Hiro, it’s president.


Motorex was a Registered Importer of Nissan Skylines, authorized by NHTSA/DOT to do so after certain testing and other requirements were met. Motorex imported these cars for many servicemen, and also for sale to customers in the United States. One of the requirements was that Motorex had to perform modifications and upgrades to these vehicles before NHTSA would allow them to be released to the general public.


I served a search warrant approximately two weeks ago at Motorex’s now abandoned shop. The only Skyline left there was one that had been crashed, and stripped. I seized numerous items of paperwork, many identifying vehicles and owners.


In these two weeks, I have learned many things. I have examined several Skylines, and I have talked to many people. There are several key points which I wish to make with the Skyline community here.


First, I have been in contact with NHTSA. They are aware of numerous issues with Motorex and the vehicles which Motorex had released or sold. After identifying a problem, they investigated, and when they had enough evidence to support their case, they revoked Motorex’s importation status. There appears to be evidence of fraud on the part of Motorex, but NHTSA is aware that the owners of these vehicles (third party purchasers and owners who had contracted with Motorex to have work performed) are victims. NHTSA has stated that they have every desire to work with Skyline owners to bring their vehicles up to standards, and ultimately, release the bonds on the vehicles. NHTSA is sympathetic to everyone’s plight, and I do not believe that they are the enemy here. Although I do not work for, or can speak on NHTSA’s behalf, I can say that I do not believe that they are going to crash through people’s doors to seize their Skylines. In fact, NHTSA is a regulatory agency, and not an enforcement agency.


Second, Detective Salmon and I are investigating a criminal case against Motorex. We are not out to seize anyone’s Skylines unless they are stolen. We are interested in pursuing this case because we believe that a lot of people have been defrauded, and we want to secure prosecution of any guilty parties involved. If anyone is in possession or know of the whereabouts of the Skylines with the following chassis numbers, then you need to contact me. These vehicles have been reported stolen.


1. BNR34-403075

2. BNR34-400755

3. BNR34-005468

4. BNR32-312046

5. BNR32-214507


Additionally, all of the Skylines that belong to customers that were at Motorex, but are no longer there since the business is now empty, may also be stolen. Contact me if your vehicle has disappeared, or you think you may have one of those vehicles.


You may be a victim of fraud if:


1. You contracted with Motorex or Hiro to import a Skyline from Motorex, but the vehicle was not delivered or has since disappeared.


2. You bought a Skyline from Motorex, but the vehicle was not delivered.


3. You bought a Skyline from Motorex, but the vehicle does not meet U.S. standards.


4. You contracted with Motorex to modify your Skyline to U.S. standards, but the Skyline still does not conform to U.S. standards.


I can be contacted at my office number, which is (562) 345-4262. I have prepared a complaint form which I urge you to complete and send back to me if you feel that you are a victim.

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This reads too much like a typical internet scam. Are you sure this is legitamate? What is SDU? Why wouldn't the cop post his name? How can anyone call the sherrif's personel department to check if the author really works for them?


Not disrespecting you for posting this. I know you have been on this site a long time and that is the only thing that gives this credibility. I just get suspicious when I read things like this.

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Ok so i am reading about this on going investigation and it looks like the detective and the sheriffs dept recovered 4 out 5 Skylines. I just dont understand why they made a big deal out of it. If people werent really participating in this case and owners of those 5 cars that were stolen didnt even called and checked in with PD department. This is old news to me and as said as it is for Hiro to add more and more charges on his case.


The only thing that this detective and the sheriff dept wont tell you is how they actually found and recovered those stolen Skylines. Personally i tought that they would be stripped and sold as parts. Since there wouldnt be a point of keeping one of them and try to drive it around town.


So my tought on who ever hijacked these cars had to be internally connected withing Motorex. Since the cars were imported into CA and has been stuck in the customs for some time. So the person who could of got to them had to be from Motorex or a connected in some way to it. He would need keys, paper work and etc to get to them.


Well the good news is that they recoved most of them and will hopefully release them to rightful owner, and as far as legalization and stuff like that goes dont even hold youre breath, because its not going to happened.

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