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what would you do (ebay dispute)?


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i was wondering what you would do if you bought this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=006&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=160046477927&rd=1,1 from ebay, and it came with no regulating guage as listed in the auction?


well anyhow i emailed the seller 3 times and each time they claim they don't know what i was talking about. so i sent them a picture of another similar auction, and still they claim "what's the problem" so i send them a picture with the guage circled. they tell me they still don't know what im talking about, so i told them i want a refund. seems fare right? wrong! they tell me i will get a refund but they won't pay for shipping back; come on it was there fault for false advertising.


i emailed them back and told them they were crazy and they replied "i will have my warehouse manager look for what you are talking about". i waited 3 business days and no reply. so i file a dispute claim against them and tried to communicate through that, and they never reply after a week of waiting. last resort i close the case and let paypal investigate.


do any of you guys think i did the right thing?

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At this point, your best option is to try to work it out with the seller. As J points out, little can be done now that the dispute is closed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of disreputable creeps buying/selling on eBay. And eBay is of little/no help. Megan and Pierre are making WAY too much $$ to give a damn.


EDIT: Fortunately, you learned this lesson on an item that only cost you $25 including the shipping.

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screw it, i really didnt need the guage, but if you make an auction and say it comes with all this stuff; all this stuff should be with it. and paypal got back with me and stated nothing can be done. should i leave bad feedback or none at all?


I would consider myself lucky that I learned a lesson and only cost 25 bux. At least you got the spraygun. Lots of peeps spent a lot more to learn a lesson. I'm not saying don't ebay, just be real carefull. As Dr. said, screw it. Be carefull about feedback too. I would leave none because there is always the possibility of retalitory neg feedback. You sell on ebay, so you don't need to have to explain that to a prespective buyer. My .02 cents


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I would consider myself lucky that I learned a lesson and only cost 25 bux. At least you got the spraygun. Lots of peeps spent a lot more to learn a lesson. I'm not saying don't ebay, just be real carefull. As Dr. said, screw it. Be carefull about feedback too. I would leave none because there is always the possibility of retalitory neg feedback. You sell on ebay, so you don't need to have to explain that to a prespective buyer. My .02 cents



Good advice, this isn't really a big deal. If this is the extent that you get screwed in life, take that and then some. Let it go, and DON'T LEAVE ANY FEEDBACK!!! It is such a waste of time to dwell on this any more than you already have IMO.

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Yep... sometimes it's better to take the "shafting" and move on. It's just the facts of life. Ebay is a perfect conduit of life's little screwings... or a way to make some money. The fact is... you can win, lose, or draw. The key is to be intelligent about the game and tip the balances to your advantage WITHOUT stooping to the same low-life tactics that others do. That game is for MORONS. You must be smarter, faster, and more diligent. It's as simple as that.

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