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Momo Hub Removal

Guest Bundsama

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Guest Bundsama

Ok you guys i was puting on my Momo hub i just got :D and of course i screw up but not making shure my wheels were center and put the hub on with the wheels turned to the left so the TOP (the words that is branded on the hub ring is well.....not at TOP) and the bigger problem is that i cant seem to get the dam thing off.........ANY IDEAS ANYONE.....and yes yes YES...i have looked through the sever to find if this has happend but i guess nobody is as retarded as me.

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Guest Bundsama

thanks alot mike ill do that BUT just reacently i think i know what the problem is and its was right in front of me the center bolt (that big nut that sits in the center of the steering wheel hub) i thnk i need to losen (or i should say REMOVE) that dam thing and i beleave i did that last time but i must of forgotten. DAM I A RETARD...but never the less i send you a pic ASAP.

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