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70 center console mod

Pop N Wood

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Has anyone with a V8 swap had to switch out the center console from a 70-71 240 for the later 72-73 console? The JTR manual has pics and says the later console has a larger shifter hole moved about 1 1/2 inches farther forward.


I was just wondering what is involved with this swap cause from the JTR pics it looks like the console rear mounting bolts are in the wrong place.


Also as per this site the early ash trays sell for $150 to $225. Mine is uncracked and in pretty good shape. Has anyone ever sold one for that much?


My shifter is coming out so far forward I am going to have to cut sheet metal to get clearance. Used consoles don't sell for that much, but I am torn between cutting up my 70 unit or trying to get a later 72 unit and modifying it to hold my choke cables. Don't really need an ashtray anymore.


$$ Ching Ching $$



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Why don't you just mess with the shifter instead of the console? My shifter does a 90 degree bend right out of the transmission, then heads straight back for about 3 or so inches, then does another 90 degree to come straight out the middle of the hole in the console.

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Want to trade straight up - your ash tray for my center console as a guinea pig?


No. Not my ash tray. Figure by the time my kids are college age the ash tray will pay for their first year.


I might be interested in just buying your center console if the price is reasonable


You mean a shifter like this:




Or just an extender like this




That was my original plan, but the way the engine ended up the shaft out of the trans is hitting sheet metal. I will need to move the shifter opening forward about an inch just to get out of second gear. The 70 console overlaps the sheet metal opening by a good inch so there is just not much hope for it. The option might be to completely remove the cross piece then come up with some type of half cover for the ash tray opening.

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