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Drive Exotic Cars


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there is something like that here in the phoenix area. it is like a time share condo. i think it is 8k for a 2 weeks of driving around in an exotic. 15k for 3 weeks and 20k for 4. they have ferarri, lambos, astin martins, lotus, maserati, jags, merc, ect. all of the new models



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Guest TeamNissan

I watched a show on it actualy and I'm pretty sure Jim is wrong. You pay per year and depending on which plan you pay for is how many days you get with any of thier cars. I believe the cheapest is 25k per year. You have get like 20 days and you have to reserve the car you want for a day in advance. Then there is another for 40k where you get like 30 days but you dont have to reserve them, you can just show up and take one out.

I'm not exact on the prices but I know thats how it works.

They dont have all the new models either, Its not like going to Ferrari dealer and picking the one you want and your gone with it. They have a wide assortment of cars old and new. There is a 68 ss camaro, testerossa, even a cobra replica with a big block, a elise etc......


I personaly think its a waste, if someone gave it to me as a gift or something I would prob get addicted but I would never shell out 25+k to borrow cars. Thats why I dont finance or lease either, if I take a car home its going to be MY car. For 25k+ a year I could build one hell of a car(s) too.

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Yeah but, when you live JET SET style it might be impressive for some people to see you in a different 100 grand car every week or so +, any of the cars they have are worth WAY more than 25K so, if you consider that it gets you the opportunity to drive cars that otherwise you'd never have a chance to drive well, it's not that steep. Or for a rich person who enjoys cars but, has no room or time to care for one, nevertheless a bunch of them. You know how much time and effort it takes to keep a Ferrari on the road...


I don't think that this is a club for us poor guys who dream of owning exotics. It's more for the people whio have the finances to buy ONE but, would rather have many.

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Guest TeamNissan

Ya thats exactly it. You cant just sign up either, its a club. You have to apply and something tells me they arent going to accept a person who makes under 100k a year. They must get RAPED on insurence and upkeep. I dont know hopw you guys would drive them but if I paid all that money, didt have to worry about insurence and it wasnt my car I would beat the hell out it.

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