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Having searched Hybridz.org about this company I am getting the feeling that they have (A) long shipping on their clips and (B) bad customer service on their clips. Does this "badness" bleed into their sell of motors? They are, for the most part the only people that will import the RB25de at a decent price. However after reading what this site has to say I am having second thoughts. Can anyone confirm that they sell bad/junked motors, aka on their last leg. Can anyone confirm that these people are indeed running a scam operation and are not to be trusted? Thanks again.

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Throw Venus Auto in California in with the bunch. Cut wiring harness, wrong igniter on the motor. They don't help you out with replacement parts either, you get what you get.


I just received a real nice rb26 alternator from Venus auto in Calif. today. I thought mine was bad so I saw a Ebay auction for one for $30 +$20 shipping, so I emailed him and asked to sell me one outright, without Ebay, so he agreed, and I paypaled them the $50 on thurs., and just got it today.... I'd say thats pretty dam good service.....


I'm in no way trying to say others have not had issues with Venus, but my experience has been A+ with them.

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What! Thats rediculous! I tried to get a alternator from them and they told me $110 used before shipping. Maybe I had a bad experience....



Here is the auction from them I was refering to>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=200072095462&rd=1,1

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Venus has changed over the years. There is no longer what I would call a riff raff of employees.

Ronald likes to work and get dirty. Last few times I have been there it has been only him and one employee. All my dealings with Ronald have been positive.



Thats the guys name I just delt with.... very courteous and answered my queries fast.

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Well I emailed flash and mentioned their bad rep and the 240sx lawsuit and this is what I was sent.


Dear Sir,

If just engine, what do you say USD500.00

perfect opportunity, to show them the real deal.

What law suit?

I never heard of it


and in another message

If you put in downpayment USD300.00


i'll ship the engine first.. balance pay later.. when arrived


What do you fallas think, still a bad company just trying to get what they can, or have they turned over a new leaf?

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I don't know what to do here guys, should I take the risk?

If you are that confused or concerned, then you might want to re-evaluate what you want to do in the first place.


These are used parts you are dealing with. Importers cannot crack open every motor to do a full inspection.

The only ones that seem to make any money off this stuff is the shipping/freight companies.


The only safe, least risk way to go is buy from a local importer. If something is wrong or missing, you take care of it in person. Fortunetly for me, Venus is only a few miles away.


Have you contacted Racer98 here? Ask him about finding one.

He posted an excellent write up in the classified section a while ago.


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