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Gauging interest for 240ZG solidworks model


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I have been around on this site for sometime now. When I finish college, I want to start my own hybrid Z project. So far the information I have gathered from this site will help me a lot during the project.

I’m a student Automotive Engineering in Arnhem, Holland (Europe). For a 30 hour assignment I have to come up with a project of my own. While most other students tend to spend those hours at college helping first year’s students I want to do something for the Z-community.

About 3 month’s ago I bought a Tamiya 1:12 240ZG modelkit. So far I didn’t have the time to start assembling it. The next few months I will have time. While my classmates are doing their 20 week internships, I will have time to do this project of my own.

I have already done 2 internships during my Civil Engineering study. So for my first internship concerning Automotive Engineering I have dispensation. These 20 weeks I will spend working to safe up money for an internship abroad which I still have to decide on. Also during these weeks I can complete unfinished tasks. This 30 hour assignment is one off them.

Now the Solidworks stuff. I did a search on Solidworks and I didn’t find anything interesting on the site. Only some small models used in personal projects. I want to make a complete 240ZG model including motor and drive train. I will document the process in a thread and all the files will be made downloadable for everybody. This way everyone can benefit from my work. I know this will take well over 30 hours, but some good experience in Solidworks is never a bad thing.

This is just a post to see if there is any interest at all. And if there is, in what form I should make the files available. Small files every now and then or just one big file at the end.

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For a 30 hour assignment I have to come up with a project of my own.


30 hours to reverse-engineer an automobile into CAD?! Surely you jest. I seriously doubt you'll be able to create the body in 30 hours...let alone engine, suspension, etc.


I'm interested to see how far you get. I've tried it using Autodesk Inventor, but gave up after about 20 hours (I didn't even finish the body). Maybe SW is alot easier to use than IV, but I've been in the cad industry for eight years, and I would say to really model the 240, it will take 100-1,000 hours, depending on how close you want to get and how many parts / assemblies you create.


Good Luck!!


[edit: OK, I should have read this better...you already know this will take well over 30 hours...sorry about that]

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