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Just had an Earhtquake....


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if your from oklahoma then you might remember the 79 tornado that went through wichita falls texas (f4) i went through that one wich happen to be my first expierence with tornados. over a mile and a half wide.talk about getting broke in quick.i hear you about the warrning system but you at least have to have a cloud in the sky.earthquakes just decide to shake for spite.i like the link you put pretty cool to see the history of places april 10th still gets people parinoid in that city.

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if your from oklahoma then you might remember the 79 tornado that went through wichita falls texas (f4) i went through that one wich happen to be my first expierence with tornados. over a mile and a half wide.talk about getting broke in quick.i hear you about the warrning system but you at least have to have a cloud in the sky.earthquakes just decide to shake for spite.i like the link you put pretty cool to see the history of places april 10th still gets people parinoid in that city.


Yea I remember that one (Wichita Falls Tx.) after the one I was in I started paying a lot more attention to the weather and all the tornados that hit with enough force to make the news. In 84' I had all I could take of tornado alley and I made for the coast... only been back a few times and I make sure it is not tornado season when I visit. As I recall it only takes a few minutes for a sunny day to get more than enough clouds in the sky in that part of the country.


Fortunately in San Diego even though we have hundreds of fault lines none of them are overly large or active so when we do have an earthquake it is fairly minor as compared to most of the rest of the state. The biggest one I went through here was 7.8 and lasted for about 60 seconds, that one got my attention really quick as after about 15 seconds I was bouncing about a foot above my bed.



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