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MS-II, Megaview, and tour of IBM Research


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A friend of mine offered his workplace today to assemble the MegaView unit for my MS-II. He designs boards for IBM. There is no better place to work on electronic projects than an IBM research facility! Amazing stuff they work on over there. He gave me a tour of the place. They are building some SERIOUS computers there. One of them is water cooled. When I say water cooled, I mean 10" water main water cooled! The "computer" is about 75' x 45' and about 8' high.


Well anyhow, he assembled the Megaview unit pretty quickly as he really knows his stuff. I wanted to use the wave soldering machine but he said the prep time would be too long. What a difference it makes when you have a $1000 soldering iron and all the RIGHT tools. It went together, we plugged it in and POOF, no-nothing. The MS-II unit shut right down and the display did nothing. :-( We checked it all out and it was built right. We scoped it and all the components were good. Unfortunately, we had very limited web access so I couldnt get the manual online.


After a while we threw in the towel and I figured before we fried something we should tell DIYAutotune about this. I emailed them and in about 10 minutes, Jerry, the owner, emailed me back and told me that with Megaview and MS-II, you need to remove pin #9 on the DB9 socket of the Megaview. I tried it and BAM, the display lit up and all the values are ticker-taping across the screen. It looks awesome. I will try to get some vids up tomorrow of the whole MS-II hooked up to the Laptop and the Megaview.


I cant wait to get working on the car!

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The MegaView I have is using the VFD display which is pale blue flourescent. I am probably going to use a piece of lime color-tinted 1/8" lexan to make a mount for it where the radio goes. With the right lexan tint I can just about match the stock gauge color. You also could go to a photography supply shop and ask for "gels". They are clear color-tinted plastic sheets used for adding color tints to photography.


I'll probably cut the lexan to fit the entire radio opening, mask off a window for the VFD and paint the rest of it semi-gloss black. The buttons to operate the Megaview will also mount in the lexan. The megaview can be used to do some tuning with it's buttons.


The only problem to tackle now is those darn dim stock gauges!

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I eventually want to try to get a megaview setup to play through my stereo. (A JVC with a 3" LCD screen!)...it has an A/V input so All I have to do is figure out how to get the realtime display (but with larger values and less of them) onto my Head unit.


You might be able to use the palm megatune code, it should showe the display like your looking for.

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Oh well I have to break my promise for videos. I actually took the video and then I got a call from mom that she was going to the emergency room with a 104 fever! Spent the rest of the evening in the hospital. She is now on i.v. antibiotics for an internal infection resulting from a minor surgery. I tell you, this might be obvious advice but, STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!! Germy places they are.

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