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Allignment Problem? Pulls to the Right

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Our 72 240z v8 pulls to the right when you let go of the steering wheel. An old Z guy at the allignment shop says it is most likely the tire that is causing the problem and that there is no adjustment on the Z to correct the pulling problem. He also said that it could be from worn parts, but was not specific about what may be worn. I also noticed that the right front spring sags about 1 inch as compared to the left front spring. What could be causing the pulling problem?





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Guest Anonymous

Have them check the toe on that wheel also how is the torsion rod bushing on that side? Just an idea. Is a brake out of adjustment on that side (rear) and grabbing first? I think its probably the toe on one wheel is steering the car towards being non-straight. :D






Ps: Sag on the spring on just one side, spring has lost some of its spring rate, its weak, kaput, a goner, dead, replace spring(s). smile.gif

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Thanks. I'll have the shop check the toe adjustment. I have just installed all new rear brake hardware. They seem to be ok.


I am in the planning stage on what spring rates to use when I get around to replacing the old ones. I was considering progressive springs, but they may be too soft for a v8 Z. May go with 200lb/in front and 250 l/b/in rear. The car will be for street use 95% of the time so I don't want to get too stiff with the suspension.


Also, I thought I saw your car at the Rio Vista meet. Looks good. Liked your seats. Did you use a crate engine?





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Guest Anonymous

Yeah, I used a Goodwrench motor which is like a stock service replacement 350, 4blt main/cast parts about 250hp. So yeah, its a crate, bottom of the line at only 1300.00 for a complete long block but a crate none the less.


Sorry I didn't get to meet you, I was walking with DavyZ pretty much as soon as he got there, didn't introduce myself around, not my style, call me shy :rolleyes: . :D





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Ok, "Shy". Sorry, couldn't help it. If it is one thing I have found in the past 6 years of Z's, that no one, even if normally shy, is shy when it comes to Z's. You are addicted, thats why you are here. Talk about what you know or talk about what you would like to know, just to learn. Screw everyone else unless they are educated in Z's, then rest are ignorant. It's all a learning process. Thats why this forum is here!

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Miles, I wish you have come over and hit me on the head---I wanted to meet you. Was your son's car there? Did I miss it completely???? Urg, I have to get around more, although talking with Lone in person was really cool. For that matter, talking with Mark, Don, Ron, Jon, and Mike (sounds like the DeBarge family singers) was pretty darn cool too! smile.gif



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What is a good source for crate engines in Sacto? I plan on using a crate when I convert my 240Z.


We weren't able to bring my son's 240z to the meet as I still have to rebuild the front brakes.


Hope we can have another Hybrid meet in Rio Vista soon.



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In case you're still having alignment issues:

A vehicle pulling to one side is caused by one of four things:

1: Dragging brakes on one side.

2: Camber difference of more than 1/2 degree from one side to the other. For instance, since your car is pulling to the right, you may have more negative camber on the left side compared to the right side. Sagging spring on one side can do this.

3: Caster difference of more than 1/2 a degree from one side to the next. On rwd cars, it's best to have a bit more caster on the right side to overcome road camber (a car will always pull a little to the right because of the 'crown' of the road), thus adding caster to compensate. This is not as much of an issue for fwd cars 'cause the drive of the wheels are pulling the car straight.

4: No tire is perfect. Many (most) times the contact patch is not perfectly level. If you get a set on the front that 'off' to the same side it can make a DRASTIC difference. Try swapping the wheels on the front left to right.


Toe has no effect on vehicle tracking straight, but will wear the hell out of your tires.

So to summarize:

Camber as close to equal as possible.

Caster a little more positive on the RIGHT front.

Toe a little positive (about 1.5-2mm toe in).

Always have your alignment checked with you sitting in the car. If the shop has issues with this (some do for some reason), go somewhere else. Any alignment tech worth his salt will agree that some weight in the driver's seat is appropriate.

I used to use bags of sand (25kg each). This is the factory correct way to do BMWs, Mercedes etc.

Sorry to ramble....HTH


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Guest Anonymous
Originally posted by Miles:



What is a good source for crate engines in Sacto? I plan on using a crate when I convert my 240Z.



Try the Chevy dealer in Elk Grove, thats where I got my goodwrench. They were within 100.00 of Soggins-dickey, so after shipping its a wash. I'm not sure which ones they'll carry, but I'm sure they can order whatever you like. If I had had the coin, I would have considered that 330 HP crate motor (its they're 300 hp kit I believe with a little bigger cam), but if your tastes are for more and you have the bread, the Fastburn 385 is another really nice motor IMHO. Oh well, give them a call if you go crate motor shopping, and call the other local Chevy dealers because price varies ALOT (I found typically 200.00) from one dealer to the next on the very same motor.





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