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n/a afm on turbo L28et?


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Ok my turbo afm started acting funny a few weeks ago .air fuel gauge started sticking in the rich zone car would stummble a bit when this would happen.

so i went ahead and moved the board around inside the afm cleaned it up and she stoped doing it for a bit.well it started doing it again and it started to get worse running richer and richer stummbling more and more..i looked everywhere for a turbo afm with no money and no turbo parts cars to be found ,i thought in my head well i have a n/a afm laying around why dont i try using it and see what happens.so i did.it works car idles perfict again a/f gauge swings right in the ideal zone. but.. i can tell as i boost her that she starts leaning out in the upper end .i have boosted her to 5 to 6 psi with out any problems being careful and watching the air fuel gauge .but i have my wastage arm shortend so that i can hit 12psi if i step it to the floor.witch i havnt done yet with the n/a air flow meter hooked up.what i want to know is..... is there anyway i can set the n/a afm to fake out the ecu to give her more fuel ? should i pop the cover and tighten the spring ? how many teeth should i click and by doing this would it help over all ? i have a after market fuel presser rag and a jsk rail so i set the presser in the rail to 40psi..when i hit 4500rpm i see it start to drop air fuel mix..iam of corse still trying to find a turbo afm, still without any luck .what should i do?

is there anyway to change the n/a afm to work alittle better in the upper end .works great if i stay in the lower boost zone 5psi and under .i have thought about switching boards but i'm unsure if it's the board that was going bad in my turbo afm? is there any way to fix my turbo afm or fix the n/a one to work better??

any thoughts or idea's would be great thanks :icon11:

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thanks ...ya you wouldn't think i got her out of a junk pile .put her together using three other parts cars doing all the work myself . but ya thats how she sits ..anywAYS drove to all the junk yards all around today no turbo cars and NO afm's .one junk yard says they can get one sent over from another junk yard in a differnt state .but they said it would be $130.00 bills i laughed and walked out :x. what a joke! but they wherent kidding.f@%#$@%! rip offs.like i would pay that for a used one when i can get a reman one from MSA for $180.00 ..not like i have the cash right now anyways.stupied trick ass girl friend of five years F me over pretty bad and now i'm starting all over.

i losted all my zx parts my shop ,a bunch of "friends",my home,luckly

i didnt lose my car as well . frustated and broke is where iam sitting and little to no way out of it.

going to try to mess with the turbo afm tomarrow .i dont want to blow my motor running her lean .so iam going to try to fix the old one for now .

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cleaned up the turbo afm moved the board around again :roll: tuned the spring setting took her for a run and didnt get any cutting out .we will see how long it last.i did find that my bov had a small hole in the rubber seal inside so i took it off .i have to say that rainy days and turbo Z's = big sideways slides with switch backs for blocks :icon10:

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