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AUX - anyone! Websense blocking HybridZ


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Help - Aux or anyone that does IT - How do you get around Websense blocking Hybridz as a 'club or forum'? I am in the jungle in Ecuador and the company started blocking sites with Websense, including HybridZ. I'm here half the year and I'll loooosssseee my mind if I don't have hybridz to keep my sanity.

I can access some forums still, like the Miller welding forum, not sure why HybridZ gets blocked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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it means that teh sysadmin managing websense server is manually tagging hybridz.org to be blocked, perhaps from bandwidth monitoring.


You can try going through a proxy such as http://www.hidemyipaddress.net or amegaproxy.com to see if it'll do traffic routing without triggerring websense filters.


eracer: websense is a commercial tool to filter internet traffic for companies.

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Thanks Aux - I can't imagine that it would have been tagged for bandwidth monitoring - I'm the only guy here with a Z-car. This is a new operational base for me, the last one used Websense also, but didn't block forums. Porn, streaming video, computer software sites, SKYPE, sports, etc. Here they block almost everything, but I can get my company intranet here and Outlook Web Access. I'm on a laptop cell card right now, it is slow and unreliable - and soon to be not available to me.

I tried the hidemyipaddress.net and got a ad site?

Will keep trying, but sooner or later someone from IT will be in to visit, as I keep banging on the Websense filters.....

Sucks when the only gringo in this patch of jungle is me..



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A few of my "secrets".


1 Use Hamachi to control a remote computer for surfing. (invisible to most firewalls)

2 Click on the google link to the cached version of the site.

3 Use babelfish to translate the site from "anylanguage" to English. (be prepared for some funny translations)

4 Free dialup service...if you have access to one.


hehehe shhhhh! My "big brother" uses websense also. When it was installed here, I downloaded and read the entire manual. Gotta know your enemy.

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Here's a way to get through BUT you can't log in.


Last I remember in highschool we would use translators, such as worldlingo.com, to translate a site from english to english. That would get through websense and they wouldn't block worldlingo because it is a legit site.


You could use proxies, BUT some companies have rules for going through thier websence.


A free trial of one a friend would use:



In fact, I think you should be ok using a secure site (httpS).


This is what I used to use:



Dunno if they charge anymore. It used to be free, then they started charging, but that was a REALLY long time ago. Most of these just give you a certain amount of MB you can download in a set period (aka don't go into too many photo threads).



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