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Hybrid R32?

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I have exactly 104 days until I get shipped in a rather uncomfortable box to Japan to be part of CAG 5 more specifically VAW-115, and about $10,000 in the bank, so logically I start to look for stuff to buy I was going to finish the body work on my 240 and get my ZX painted but a new thought hit me like a ton of bricks. We've got hybrid Zs, hybrid S chassis, hybrid RX-7s and god knows many other unholy spawn, so why not a Hybrid GTR? I've got it all worked out, I'll overnight the 406 in my car to my hangar weld it in a voila! Hybrid Skyline! So beyond the obvious reasons this isn't going to work can anyone think of a reason I shouldn't do this? The way I figure it the GTR is last unmolested Nissan chassis not to see some firebreathing American iron under the hood. And after I do that I am going to rig up a driveshaft from the jet engine on an E-2 Hawkeye so I can smoke the tires. I'm starting to think letting a redneck go to Japan may not have been the Navy's best move but what the hell I'm going to enjoy it.

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I have exactly 104 days until I get shipped in a rather uncomfortable box to Japan to be part of CAG 5 more specifically VAW-115...


Enjoy Japan - I recently finished my tour with 121 - the Bluetails and am now down in Kingsville, TX instructing with VT-21. I'm guessing with the long timeline you are a NFO? If so, I'm so sorry that you had to deal with all that crap! I don't envy the NFO pipeline there. I heard our former Bluetails weren't the "prefered" instructors - i.e. they were the hammers. :shock:

Wait, on edit- I just saw your location is Jackson - does that mean you are in school at Meridian? If so, what rate?

Anyways, the LS1 in the GT-R, you'd lose the AWD so I don't know that its a prefered swap......

If you can ship a clean early 240 over there, you can sell it for a nice profit though as they are in high demand. I have heard $15-20k.

Enjoy Japan - everyone I know who went there really did.


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No I'm not an NFO I'm just a lowly enlisted AT but I enjoy banging wrenches on WRAs so it's all good. The long timeline is because of the wait for another "C" school I have to go to before I can be attached to 115. Jackson is home for me but Jackson,NE not Jackson,MO. I do plan to thourghly enjoy myself in Japan and I really hope I like it everyone I talk to that has been their says it is great but it's along ways from home. I hope you enjoy your tour with 21 I hear training squadrons are a blast for instructors. Oh I almost forgot I decided AWD is too fun to lose so I will hold off on any kind of v-8 swap until I can figure out that little problem.

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Jackson is 100 miles north of Omaha and about 8 miles west of South Sioux pretty close to Ponca if you know where that is. And that video was sick, after thinking it over again I am going to to some form of an SBC swap on a Skyline it would give me bragging rights forever, 1: for owning a Skyline 2: for owning a v8 powered Skyline.

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