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Gps/digital Speedo


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Hello Everyone,


I have been a member since July 2006 when I bought my s30 2+2. (Photos in 2+2 thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114716). I have seen the light regarding Searching, and have made every effort to search, search, search and it actually works quite well as there is so much info on this site.


In regards to this thread, I have searched google, searched hybrid z, searched other car forums, searched hybrid z and started all over again. Unfortunately I have searched to no avail.


My Question,

I would like to have a digital speedo (kind of like what you see in an Rx8 or the new honda civic) which I think would work well mounted between the current speedo and the tacho just above the steering column.


Now I have thought about magnets and hall sensors, but I keep finding people saying that they have calibrated their speedos with GPS. Now most of the time they are talking about a GPS handheld unit. I don't really want to mount a handheld unit in the car, (bit to large, bit to inviting to theives). What I would love to find is a GPS receiver (antennae? not sure what you call them) with a simple digital readout for your speed. Not real interested in knowing where I'm going (more fun when your just driving for the sake of driving) don't really care how great time I'm making, just want to know how fast I'm going so that I can enjoy my driving without getting into trouble.


So can anyone please point me in the right direction? Even if it is to say, yeah search for this topic, or i remember a thread talking about blah.


Thanks guys and girls,

Back to the searching.

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hum, the closest thing that is currently out there is a garmin gvn 52 or off brand (IE: Pyle,dual.) but these only work if you have a video screen. personally I am in the process of removing the speedo and installing a gps receiver in the original location. so to answer your question yes you can but it is far more expensive to get a separate gps system. sorry.

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Have you thought about this real hard yet? A GPS receiver is an electronic device. Albeit some of them are very tough and rugged, they are still prone to failure. Especially in a car that can get 100+ degrees inside easily. LCD screens especially are prone to failure in extreme temperatures. Then there's the visibility problem. If the sun is going down and it hits that screen just right you've lost it, you won't be able to see that thing until the sun goes down completely. There's too many down falls to having a simple GPS receiver as a speedo. Not to mention it's damned expensive too for something that's not going to work if you go into a tunnel or get stuck in a really bad storm. There's also the pick up time. My hand held takes a good minute to two minutes to finally find all the satellites it needs for a full 3d location reading. Don't need 3d? Yes you do. Without a 3d location your speed reading will be wrong when going up inclines or down hills, around mountains, etc... I've thought about this one. I'll stick to calibrating my speedo off my GPS and just keep the GPS in it's cradle on trips. I'm still using my stock speedo too. It was a pain in the rear calibrating it, but I finally got it spot on. I'm dead on up to 60mph at which point it goes just shy of 1mph fast of the GPS signal.

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most people just use the handheld gps for calbration checks on the installed speedo.some digital speedos require you to hit a set button and drive exactly 1 mile and hit button again.that sets the pulse per mile in the speedo.high performance boats use gps based speedos-but boats dont need odometer.the speedo in my z was calibrated on a chassis dyno-i pulled a bunch of drive gears at pick&pull.

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Autometer makes a dial face GPS speedo, it's @ 130 USD. I thought about using one on my boat, because at speed air bubbles screw with the pitot tube and make it read all wonky. GPS speedos are very common in the boating world.


As far as HUD's go:

Here's a link to exactly what you are looking for.


Hmm, I just found an actual review.

Turns out it only costs @ $100. I think I might be picking one up too...


I know I have seen another digital speedometer from a different manufacturer already on the market, but I can't seem to find it. It may have been for motorcycle apps.


BTW- Googling "GPS speedometer" gets a ton of results.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, will take a while to digest.


For starters


Have you thought about this real hard yet?


A GPS receiver is an electronic device. Albeit some of them are very tough and rugged, they are still prone to failure.

And mechanical aren't??? Come on. (in Leighten Hewitt voice)

LCD screens especially are prone to failure in extreme temperatures.

I think LCD screens have proven themselves in modern cars.

Then there's the visibility problem.

I was thinking more of a couple of 7 segment type displays or a super bright lcd or even a regular lcd with a bit of a shroud (kind of like the current speedo.


Plus it cant be any worse than trying to see my current speedo at night through a smaller momo steering wheel. LOL


There's too many down falls to having a simple GPS receiver as a speedo.

We can't rule out a GPS too quickly, but there may be better options.

Not to mention it's damned expensive too for something that's not going to work if you go into a tunnel or get stuck in a really bad storm.

Didn't know they needed really good reception, Any rebutals or confirmations on this people?

There's also the pick up time. My hand held takes a good minute to two minutes to finally find all the satellites it needs for a full 3d location reading.

That shouldn't be too much of a problem, my car takes at least 5 minutes to warm up

Don't need 3d?

Yeah I figured I'd need that.

I've thought about this one.

Me too.

I'll stick to calibrating my speedo off my GPS and just keep the GPS in it's cradle on trips. I'm still using my stock speedo too. It was a pain in the rear calibrating it, but I finally got it spot on. I'm dead on up to 60mph at which point it goes just shy of 1mph fast of the GPS signal.

Hopefully im dead on the whole way.


naviathan, please realise although I am injecting some humor into my response, I'm not trying to take the p#*s out of you.





thanks for the ideas, I will have a look at those.

I had seen the autometer one before, but its in MPH and im from downunder, (sorry forgot to mention that) so it will need to be in KPH, might be just a simple change of face plate though.



I killed my computer last night so am writing this from work and will probably not be able to respond to any of the posts for another week or so. But please keep all the suggestions coming.


And lastly, it doesn't necessarily have to be GPS, but a digital display would be nice.


Thanks again guys.

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