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Duplicate Titles


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The car I am buying has a title to it but the guy who has it does not have it. He got it for free from some guy he knew and he has it. I told him to see if the other guy could bring it to me so I can take it home and start working on it but it seems like he can't get a hold of him. I gave him these papers from the dmv to give to him if he comes into contact with him, but he hasn't and it has been 2 weeks. Is there any way that I can get a duplicate title with having to deal with these two people because (my dad isn't going to let me get it if I don't have a title for it) or do I keep with them and keep asking?.......I want to start working on the car asap......plz let me know...




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because (my dad isn't going to let me get it if I don't have a title for it) or do I keep with them and keep asking?.......I want to start working on the car asap......plz let me know...


First of all, you're dad is a smart guy. Your only real choice is to wait until you have the title, until then, you don't have a car. It sux when you're so anxious to get started, but it'd be worse if you poured money/time into fixing it only to find out that your friends - friends - friends - dad is actually who owns the car and he aint selling.


Bug them every day, and only exchange your money for the car AND title.


If you're not the owner, the only thing you can do is to get the application for a title transfer, or and application for a new/lost title, but the owner is the one who has to fill it all in. It sounds like this is what you've already done.

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i found a way to get around both of them...yay me...i am going to have my brothers neighbor do a lean sell like he did on his mustang to get the pinkslip/title its going to take 30 days from when i sign alll the papers but i know for sure that he isnt going to lag around on me....yes 30 days is long but its better because i know for sure i can get the pinkslip/title...will keep ye all updated

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lien...didnt know it was spellled like that.....the guy my brother had his done by owns a towtruck company and he is going to do the paper work so that it will say it has been in his yard for 30 days and then i bought it from him since after 30 days he is able to sell it or do what ever if its not claimed...im not 100% sure how it works but thats how i THINK it goes

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