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Rode in and raced ScottyMIZ's RB Z

bumble zee

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WOW!!! that thing hauls! Rode in it and I got a little nervous when he hit 3rd and was flooring it around a long sweeper corner. Raced him later that night and he was at 11psi, and me at 12 on a stock zxt engine and turbo, and I felt like I was standing still. Then we went again this time him at 20psi and I felt like I was going backward!! So Scott, you convinced me to go turbo... Convinced me to get a RB. Now I cant wait till 2009! Maybe we should buy 2 at the same time ;)

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Don't count on a 2 for 1 deal, the prices have started going up on these cars lately...


Rumors are that the government wants to change the law from: "you can import whatever you want, just as long as it's older than 15 years" to 25, they say it's killing the used car market.


The importers are profiting from this rumor by telling people: YOU SHOULD BUY ONE NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE...


How can it be killing the market if these are cars we never got here anyways????

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How can it be killing the market if these are cars we never got here anyways????



because ppl now have more options and potential government money is going to private importers who take cash rather then dealerships who pay and charge taxes.

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Ive been watching some GTS's on ebay and they have been going for $3 to $4 grand lately.


Jason and Scott, I would love to go dragging... I want to come out there before the weather gets nasty. Maybe I will have more boost by then and I wont look so slow against you guys ;)

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