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Does anyone else dream about big-phil?


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I laughed at this post when I read it... Laughed, I tell you. But that was two weeks ago, and last night, Big Phil invaded my dreams...



I was just having dream dinner with the entire family at some sort of reunion. It was at some big restaurant with an outdoor patio and it was summer, or at least a hell of a lot warmer than it is on the Northeast coast right now. Then BAM, Big Phil shows up out of nowhere and challenges me and my cousin to a round of shots. I downed the first quickly, my cousin with his pink liver pukes over the side railing of the patio.


The next few go well, but then the final shot comes. The alcohol was concentrated into a black syrupy substance (I HATE sweet alcohol!!). My mother passed it to me, and on the count of three we drank our shots.


After this was over and everyone was laughing and having a good time, I got up from my seat and walked to the other side of the table and shook Big Phil's hand and introduced myself.


"Hey, I'm oddmanout84 on Hybrid Z. Awesome work you've done on your car! Big fan of the youtube videos!"


Phil gets a distressed look on his face and turns pale, then buries his head in his hands.


"Oh no... Not another one!!"

"oh no!"

"Oh No!"

"OH NO!"


I woke up this morning yelling "oh no"... And I knew what I had to do. I had to post this. To anyone else who's having similar problems, you are not alone...

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