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Anyone here install Direct Tv?


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My little brother is thinking about installing Direct Tv for a living. He has told me that some of the installers he has talked to have told him that they are pulling in $1200 plus a week for installs. I just wanted to know if any of were doing this or knew someone doing this for a living and could verify this? I just think that's kind of a ong shot for that type of work, but I could be wrong. Thanks in advance Blake

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Well, they didn't lie to him and tell him it was going to be easy to make that. They said the average was 900-1000 a week for a 5-6 day work week. So atleast they are being honest about it. I just thought that was pretty good pay compared to the area money he would be getting at an hourly job. Plus he already owns two trucks and all the tools he needs to do it since he has already worked for Time Warner as a sub doing cable,hsd, and digital phone work. So his out of pocket up front money wouldn't be that big of a hit. I just never knew there was that much money in the Direct TV install market. I know when he was working for Time Warner he was knocking down 900-1100 a week no problem. He just wants to get out of Time Warners hair because of all the crazy ass climbing he has to do for installing cable drops off telephone poles. 32 feet in the air off working off of a fiberglass ladder can get scary sometimes I'm sure.

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Yea you can make good money doing it I used to Install back in the day with my father. Just as long as the work is there and dosent drop off. By the way theres alot more money in Internet Sat. than just DirecTV. Alot of the places that deal do both so tell him to ask if they install those as well.

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Most cable or satellite companies have there own in house techs that are paid hourly. Allmost all of them also use contractors as well. That is where the real money is. I have been a contractor with Cox both in San Diego and here in Phoenix for about 8 years now. As a contractor you are paid off of production. Depending on what you do at each job you get paid for each part of it. The faster/more efficient you are, the more jobs you can do therefore making more money. It definately takes time to become good. And you will definately want to quit within the first two months. Everyone does. If you can stick it out 6 months, you will find things start happening naturally and the job smooths out. Then you start making good money. On average I gross about $1500 per week at an easy pace. My best single week ever was $3600. So as you can see the potential is there. It can be tough work, especially dependant upon the area you work in. But this kind of work is fairly steady and is only going to be in more demand in the future.



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