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Furries vs. Klingons


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Hmmm... Without stereotyping myself here, I can probably understand where the faux Klingons come from..... but Furries??! Who the hell decided that was cool enough to have groupies or fans of that caliber? What exactly IS a Furry, anyway?? Never mind, I don't even need to know... other than to wonder which camp Aux falls into? = )

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in art, anthromorphic people (animals with human forms)

but in reality, a creepy person that dresses up in animal costumes because it turns them on (more or less)

Klingon's I understand

Cosplaying as anime characters, I can understand (especially cat girls haha)

Trekkies, i understand

and Starwars fans, I understand

but Furries?? Come ON! That's just creepy.

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