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Made it to the show


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Well guys, I got the car running and "finished" enough to make it to the JCCS last Saturday. I actually just got back to Phoenix last night as we stayed in San Diego for the rest of the weekend. I'm sure there are or will be plenty of pics of the engine bay shortly. I will be sure to get some of my own up as well. My buddy Tim and I were up 'till 1 A.M. Friday wrapping it up for the trip. I would like to publicly thank Tim, Spence, and Manny for their help in the garage. I also need to thank Raff and Joel for the last minute help thay gave. Raff was great with the part numbers and Joel shipped me a water pump pulley to borrow as mine had a slight tweak in it. These may sound minor but as you all know any one of these things is the difference between a running car and a paperweight. I still have plenty of work to do, but I was able to drive the car into and out of the show. Granted I drove it all of about 100 feet to and from the parking lot where the Armada was waiting with the trailer. But hey, it was running. I met a few HybridZ members there too. We do seem to have some of the more mature members here. I am constantly impressed by the caliber of most of our members here. That is probably why most of my on-line time is spent on this site. Anyhow, enough rambling. Thanks guys.



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