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Give Me Test Questions


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Im in my computer animation class right now and we are making flash games. I have chosen to do a quiz type game where you have to enter text and answer multiple choice questions. Its all about cars ex. what year was (x car) made in. or . What motor came in (x car).I need help coming up with questions while i work on programing in the code in siwshMax. i have a few but i need more.


Questions can be about anything related to cars that an average person can answer.I would like them to be on four specific car companies Nissan,Toyota,Honda,Mitsubishi. (must have 4 optional answers)


Example Question I Made:




2. What was Nissan called before its current name?






2. Who is the largest engine-maker in the world?





Thanks All



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Hey, you could give them a quiz like this:


Driver’s Test


Begin with the national speed limit of 65 miles per hour. Answer each question and add or subtract miles accordingly.




1) If the statue of St Christopher on your dashboard is on crutches, ADD 1 mph.


2) If you’ve received kickbacks from chiropractors or doctors for all the whiplash victims you send them, ADD 2 mph.


3) If any major car manufacturer offered you a rebate not to buy a car, ADD 3 mph.


4) For each of the following that has been named in your honor, ADD accordingly:

a. A tow truck, ADD 1 mph

b. A local demolition derby race track, ADD 2 mph

c. A national auto insurance company’s “Extra High Risk Category,†ADD 5 mph


5) On the DMV computer screen, if the clerk gives a low whistle and has to scroll through several screen pages, ADD 2 mph.


DRIVING HISTORY SUBTOTAL_________________________________________




1) If you start each morning by pledging allegiance to a checkered flag, ADD 1 mph.


2) If your second car is an ambulance, ADD 2 mph.


3) If, while stopped at an intersection waiting for a red light to change, you…

a. Rev your engine to intimidate those around you, ADD 1 mph

b. Place both hands on the horn, ready to blare it at senior citizens who might still be crossing when the light turns green, ADD 2 mph.

c. Pick your nose, SUBTRACT 4 mph.

NOTE: If the above question does not apply to you because you never brake for a red light, ADD 5 mph.


4) For every time you’ve looked in your rearview mirror and seen a body lying in the street, ADD 2 mph (if you’ve never looked in your rearview mirror, ADD 4 mph).


5) For each of the following bumper stickers that can be found on your car, ADD 1 mph:






NOTE: If the message on your bumper sticker is incomprehensible because of blood splatterings and caked hair, ADD an additional 6 mph


ON THE ROAD SUBTOTAL_______________________________________________




1) It is a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon. You decide to jump in the car and visit your ailing Aunt Alba in the suburbs. Turning onto your Aunt Alba’s street, you pass a home for the blind, a “Deer Crossing†sign, and a group of small children playing in the street. Which of the following comes closest in length to the skid marks you’ll make as you pull up to Aunt Alba’s?

a. A standard 30 foot garden hose, ADD 2 mph

b. An unraveled wool sweater, ADD 5 miles

c. A book plastered with pictures of the latest Hollywood bimbo who has been to rehab or jail in the past month


2) You’re sitting over at a friend’s home in a semi-conscious state after hours of heavy drinking. Suddenly, your friend announces “Everybody Out!†Which of the following best describes what you would do in this situation?

a. Stumble out to your car, spend 15 stupid minutes trying to insert your key into the ignition, then finally peel out in a blaze of glory, ADD 3 mph

b. Same as “a,†except that you would take the time to throw up in your friend’s driveway before you peel out, ADD 4 mph

c. If the question does not apply because you would have to be involved in a drunk driving accident on your way to the party, ADD 7 mph


HYPOTHETICAL QUESTIONS SUBTOTAL________________________________


GRAND TOTAL________________________________________________________



61-70: Your driving skills are like those of a recent graduate of a high school’s driver’s ed class. In other words, you have none! You are a threat to all life.


71-80: You have the driving skills of a deaf, dumb, and blind man! Walk everywhere!


81 and Higher: You have a great future ahead of you as a New York City cab driver! Apply at once!





The genius of MAD magazine :mrgreen:



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I thought you coded for flash in actionscript, what's "siwshMax?" I ask because i recently made two flash games as well, one a 2-D dogfighting game and the other a top-down traffic directing game. I didn't code it though, I just do the art and animations (the dogfighting game required hand drawn walk cycles for three dogs, but the traffic game all had the animations done with code-we used actionscript 3.0 for both of them). Right now I'm building 3-D models for a submarine combat game we're doing in Panda3-D using Maya 8.5. It's kind of a challenge, because it's a rapid prototyping class and we only have two weeks to do each game...

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Swishmax a is flash "maker" that is great for making text and menu based flash files. It has a lot of built in effects and codes that are pretty trick and somewhat hard to pull off in regular flash.


There's even a 3D version that lets you animate in 3D almost like if it was Maya or 3DSMax.



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That's pretty impressive, Flash was not designed to handle 3-D by any means...My roomate that's on the programming track here was telling me that just telling Flash to count from 0-5000 in code would cause it to crash. We talked to the instructor a little bit about some of these engines that use flash to simulate 3-D and isometric perspective, but the consensus was pretty much that fighting the intrinsic limitations of Flash like that would be an uphill battle and not worth the effort in our time constraints. I also have a hard time believing you could use flash to build any kind of worthwhile 3-D object at the level you can with Maya or 3DSMax.

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