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Thoughts on my Semi Euro Balance Tube


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It's not the prettiest, but is much cleaner then it started out.


Anyway, I re-threaded the wholes but unfortunately not with NPT threads or set screws. I just hated seeing anything sticking up and don't want to invest to much time in this because it is temporary.


I used Teflon and red loctite as a test and it was pretty difficult to get out. Looking back, I should have only threaded it part way through to allow it to bottom out.


I marked the set screws with a center punch to watch and see if they move. I don’t want them sucked into the motor! Yikes!


Any reasons why the loctite won't hold up?



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Loctite and Staking as stated will be more than sufficient.


Frankly, IMO, the loctite is for vacuum sealing, and the staking keeps the things from moving.


I think I PM'd you about it, but I took an aluminum rod, threaded it appropriately (BSP Tapered Thread) and then sunk them in with loctite. After they were in there well, I staked 'em, and then ground the whole schebang flush!


I didn't even have the 'pods' sticking out! All smooooooothe! THen I 'black magic blasted' the whole tube so it all had the same finish. Painting afterwards makes the modification undetectable.

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