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Water sloshing around inside doors after heavy rain...


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It poured rain here in CA last week and the doors on the car seemed to fill with a couple inches of water (rest of interior is fine and dry) - it just sloshes around in here when I drive or open/close the doors.


I'm planning on removing the inner panels this week and sopping it up - anyone experienced this and found a good remedy for it (besides a car cover)?



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The doors have three (I think) drain holes at the bottom. You should open the door panel and clean out the bottom inside of the door.


Funny, people in CA don't know what to do when it rains! LOL. Just Kidding.


Sure we know what to do... freak out, panic and run into things... isn't that what everyone else does.



PhilbertZ, like cygnusx said you need to open up the drain holes in the underside of the doors.



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Thanks a ton guys - that's what I figured it was and will do that tonight!


I grew up in Seattle - when it snowed 1 inch (every 3-4 years) people would go nuts, cancel school, drive like mad, etc.....


I moved to CA to escape the rain - I have for the most part, but every once in a while it catches up with me.


BTW, what air dam is that, cygnusx? I *like* it!

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It's a 16 year old urethane air dam that I picked up at an old speed shop. I think MSA still sells it. It's the urethane one that has two holes in it that could be used for brake ducts. I picked it because it's curvy and less angular than some of the other ones.

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