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Any microcontroller geeks out there


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I know there's a few higher end geeks here, any that are familiar with AVR (or other) embedded microcontroller programming. I'm replacing all of my wiring, and thought an AVR would be an interesting way of controlling the lights and other non-engine electronics. At first I was going to wire up some circuits for sequential lights, but this would allow me to do various sequences if I wanted to. I've got plenty of programming and electronics experience, but I've never worked with microcontrollers before.

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Holy crap! That's a great idea!


I have very limited experience with microcontrollers. I built a programmable alarm with a PIC based processor last semester. It was easy since it could be coded in C.


Hmm... I can't really offer much insight on the AVR, I know the Arduino is getting a huge following now, because it is supposed to be very easy to use.


This is just awesome though:


(It's sooo small and CHEAP!!!)





Lots of things for the Arduino:



I think I'm going to do this as well. Get rid of the bulky combo switch and replace it with a nice panel. Plus, with this you'd probably be able to control any kind of wiper motor, and I could even make a little custom overhead view of a Z and control each light individually (stealth mode anyone???).


Good thing I'm getting ready to tear out all my wiring!


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I'm glad to see that at least somebody out there thinks that I'm not barking up the wrong tree. I'm starting from scratch, and as I look at all the old relays and other strange "thingys" I was realizing that it could all be switched with a single controller, at least that way I'll know which wire is going where, and why. It'll be a lot easier running a couple of cat-5 cables to the tail lights, and then just have a transistor switching unit there to power them. Much less electrical drain and brighter/programmable lights.


Its funny that you mentioned the overhead view, I just got done with one, on paper, last night (with wiper motor)


From what I've seen it looks like the Atmel AVR's are the way to go. They've got a lot of different configurations, internal clocking, and a lot more in the way of individual I/O lines. They're also programmable in C or (ick) Basic.



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There's a lot of nice things about AVR's.


Flash memory = no bootloader required

Build in oscillator = no external crystal (unless you need a more precise clock than the build-in RC can provide)

They're cheap

Free C compiler

DIY in-system programmer

Internal pullups



Anyways, if you're new to microcontrollers - the AVR is a pretty good intro. Remember a microcontroller can generally sink a lot more current than it can source. For your inputs, you'll have to play with toggle or pushbutton switches to see if you need to worry about debounce. Also, your transistor circuitry might not have enough oomph to handle things like tail lights. Relays are still useful tools!


My $0.02. Keep us posted!

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Yes, they do look pretty nice. I was going to wire some 555 circuits for the lights and flashing, but then I saw the AVR's and it looks like everything I need in one tidy package. I don't think clock speed or switch bouncing will be a problem. For flashing tail lights, I'd only need 2-3 Hz, operating in the Mhz speeds is a tad bit of overkill :) Transistors probably wont be a problem if I go with LED bulb replacements, might still use (ick) relays.

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You might also look at the Silicon Labs 8051 variants. I use them where I work and they have a huge amount of power in a small package thats cheap. They all have built in oscillators and a crossbar that allows you to map the on chip peripherals to whatever pin you want, well almost whatever pin. Most pins can be setup as open drain, weak push/pull or high impedance. They are very cool little processors and have a powerful enough command set it makes assembly programming almost enjoyable, unlike a PIC.


I'll second what mikeatrpi said, most of the controllers you'll look at can sink way more power than they can source. You'll want to think if the controller as the controller not the driver for the circuit, but there are better things to use than relays. Look at larger transistors as sold state switches.



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