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Holset Vband flange solution


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Ok, looks like I will be getting back to working on my car soon and my thoughts turn to making my downpipe. I never did like the idea of welding on to the Dodge cast iron elbow, not to mention that I never got one when I bought my Holset. This is how I plan to make one..


First I will get a flange laser cut into a circle with the same OD as the Holset's Vband OD. There will be a round hole in the center with the same ID as the exhaust pipe (in my case 3.5") Afterwards the "ring" will be machined with a bevel to match that of the Vband. The material will be mild or stainless steel that can easily be welded to the rest of the exhaust system.


Making this peice will cost me a few bucks so I am on here checking to see if there is interest in making a run of them rather than just a single unit for myself. Anyone who is interested, please chime in.

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  • 1 year later...

Jeffer provided me with a cheap source for v-band clamps and flanges here:



He also mentioned that the 4" had a poor fit on the Holset, and that a 3.5" would be more appropriate. He said the size reflects the ID, not the OD.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have in hand a HY35W. I'm trying to make a downpipe for it, but I don't know which v-band flange to order. The dimensions of the turbo exhaust housing where the v-band mates up are as follows:


Outer diameter of flange: 112mm (4.409")

Inside diameter of turbo outlet: 94.16mm (3.70")

Thickness of flange: 4.87mm (0.192")


I think those are all the relevant dimensions. Now looking at the siliconehoses.com offerings it seems that the 4" v-band flange that they sell will leave the least amount of gap (difference in diameter) at the outermost diameter of both flanges (~.08" all the way around).


Should I go for the 4" v-band or does the argument still stand that the 3.5" might seal better?

for reference, the 3.5" v-band would leave a 0.1595" gap all the way around.


Also, which turbos were you guys dealing with when you found out all the previous info?

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IMO - I would try the 3.5" one. Either way - shame on Holset for not making the outlet a standard size. This problem is posted all over the internet. I'm halfway tempted to engineer up the matching flange size and sell the flange and v-band clamps as a set on ebay. I sure would've bought one a few months ago.


For my HE351 - I ground off the v-band that is there and had my old man weld a "normal" size 4" v-band flange to it. The inside diameters of both parts match perfectly. Scroll down a bit for some pictures:


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  • 4 months later...



The siliconeintakes.com 4" v-band kit was ordered and it fit pretty well on the turbo. The outside diameter seemed to match perfectly. I will post another update when we fire up the engine and let you know if it is sealing properly.


Here's the link:


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