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Refilling Fire System Bottle

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No fire thank goodness! Some dumba** inadvertently set off the system while working on the dash area. And man, was that a rush! For the first few seconds, I didn't realize what had happened and sheer terror struck. After which, I knew my wallet had just taken another racin' hit.

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After several phone calls to fire extinguished specialist, I have discovered that it's very difficult to find someone to refill a Halon type fire bottle. Apparently, the powers that be have decided Halon is destructive to our atmosphere and that production of Halon is no longer allowed. However, it can be recovered, stockpiled and then reused until the current supply is depleted. This sounds way to political for my "pee" brain to understand. Bottom line is that I shipped my bottle back to the manufactured in CA and for the tidy sum of $170.00 they will refill it. Ouch!

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