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Crashed the LS1 Z...

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I was running techno toy tuning 7mm spacers and my front right wheel fell off while driving. I felt something wrong and as I was slowing down the wheel fell of at ~20mph. My fender is ruined. :-( BUT the AMAZING this was I was running stock brakes at the time, and the stock dust shield cover held up the whole car and my rotor or any suspension part didn't have one scratch on it!!

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That suck's, Glad you are ok.

One of my Slick's blew up while I was coming out of a curve not long ago.I got lucky I was driving about 55mph in a tight curve and there were no cars coming on the oposite side...The car went into the oposite lane but i manage to control it and got it to a side of the road.....I have spacer and never had a problem with them, I drive the car hard and take it up to 130 mph almost every time I go out.....Every time my wheels come off we double check the lugnuts.


Good luck on fixing the Z....

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The passenger side suspension is done. Replaced the lower arm, tie rod, spring assembly yesterday and got everything tightened down. Got the driver's side rotor assembly replaced as well. Now I need to bleed the brakes and put the other fender on the car. Then hope the car drives straight......

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I got the brakes bleed today and got the replacement fender mounted on the car. I wired up the headlight and side marker as well. Looks GOOD too !


I did a quick test drive up to about 20mph or so and noticed a little bit of shaking, but I do need to get it aligned for sure now !!!

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Looks like a perfect opportunity for a safety plug here. Most companies that mount tires now ask their customers to come back at least once, and some twice, to have thier lug nuts retorqued. Experience has shown that a small number of customers were having the lug nuts back off for whatever reason. I would suggest that we all take that to heart and take the time to retorque our lug nuts after about 50 miles of driving each time we pull our wheels.

I'd be willing to go so far to say that, if everyone on this board would go out and put a wrench on their lug nuts this week, several would find some that are not tight.

Let's learn from the tough experiences our own board members have had and keep it from happening to more of us!

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