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snerk...women! 'I love your car!' *uses car for what it's meant for* 'OH MY GOD YOU ATE A BABY!'


She liked how it looked...didn't give a thought to what it does or why it looks the way it does. Keep shopping unless she's receptive to the apology...and if there's ever another ride, warn her first...but don't apologize for it.

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My current girlfriend is just the opposite. First time over to the house I had to explain about the three rusty parts cars sitting in the driveway/garage and told her that they were to be stripped and cut up for scrap. The first thing she asked me was if she could use my reciprocating saw and help. Sounds like a keeper.

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I still laugh at what my neighbor said to me before he moved away, “…I’d be gay if it wasn’t for the sex.â€


LOL Hows about - If wasn't for the thing between their legs, there'd be a bounty on them!:-)

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Although I have never had a chick call me a "baby killer" I've had a quite a few females "flip out" over my driving habits. Most of them have said the ride was fun after they got out (kind of like a roller coaster on crack). I can't find a girl with the guts to ride with me in my 260Z, but none of them shy away from riding in my BMW...go figure.

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