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Firing Order Fail

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I pulled one of the most noobish mistakes of my life. Removed the wires/cap and whatnot without checking where everything went. :oops: I did a search on the firing order and found it, (too young/old/right) but where do I start from?


This is what Autozone shows:




And this is what I snagged off someone's thread as far an a bay shot goes:



Think is, I also recall the number 4 wire being where the #1 wire is in the above pic, but it would also be in the proper location if it were based off the Autozone guide. Is the Autozone guide not labeled from the actual starting point? Or am I ****ed six ways from Sunday? :ugg:

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You can always locate the #1 cylinder spark plug wire on the Datsun L-series distributor cap because it is identified with a raised indentation on the cap. All of the aftermarket caps I have seen also have this marking.


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