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Anybody do a little Biermachen?


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any homebrewers here? I'm looking for a new recipie or style to try. anybody have a suggestion? currently I'm working with extracts. anybody have any recipies they are willing to share?


gotta fill the bier fridge. :mrgreen:



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i do a little extract brewing, but mostly all grain. but i can convert the al grain reciepies.


what types of beers have you brewed and what would you like to brew?


right now i have on tap...


1. a creamy Rye P.A.

2. imperial pale ale

3. Turkish imperial stout

4. coffee porter

5. ancho porter

6. summertime dunklweisse

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Alright! some responces, I do love talking about bier. (maybe drinking it too ;))


I like most flavorful biers that do not contain Pilsen malt. This kinda excludes me from the "american style lager" but other than that i like most bier.


thus far we have made about 10 styles from a very light ale to belgan white to oatmeal stout. The most popular have been an Irish Red kit we bought from Norther Brewer and the APA that is a tweaked Sierra Nevada clone. So far all have been extracts. I'd like to move into an all grain rig but given my profession (i engineer skids for Pharam companies) and my bent toward overdoing things I have not yet found a design that I like and can afford. :rolleyesg


As for what I like, I'm not normally a huge fan of the fruit flavored biers, but I have never had a homebrew fruit bier, so it sounds like something worth trying. Honestly I'll try just about anything twice. :mrgreen:


I'll check out the catsmeow, looks like a nice resource. Thanks.


As for advise for the newbie the upfront costs to do homebrew right are a little steep. A good hardware kit is about $150 and I wouldn't do homebrew without a keg setup that cost another $200. The bier is really good. Common first mistakes are poor sanitation, warm fermenting and not allowing the bier to sit in secondary long enough.


Any other brewers out there?



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  GabeRoc said:

Any other brewers out there?


Use to be (extracts). Haven't brewed for close to ten years. I've forgotten most of what I didn't know, so I'm not one to offer anything useful :mrgreen:


I still have most of the paraphernalia. I keep toying with the idea of starting up again... but life keeps getting in the way.

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  GabeRoc said:
Alright! some responces, I do love talking about bier. (maybe drinking it too ;))


I like most flavorful biers that do not contain Pilsen malt. This kinda excludes me from the "american style lager" but other than that i like most bier.


thus far we have made about 10 styles from a very light ale to belgan white to oatmeal stout. The most popular have been an Irish Red kit we bought from Norther Brewer and the APA that is a tweaked Sierra Nevada clone. So far all have been extracts. I'd like to move into an all grain rig but given my profession (i engineer skids for Pharam companies) and my bent toward overdoing things I have not yet found a design that I like and can afford. :rolleyesg


As for what I like, I'm not normally a huge fan of the fruit flavored biers, but I have never had a homebrew fruit bier, so it sounds like something worth trying. Honestly I'll try just about anything twice. :mrgreen:


I'll check out the catsmeow, looks like a nice resource. Thanks.


As for advise for the newbie the upfront costs to do homebrew right are a little steep. A good hardware kit is about $150 and I wouldn't do homebrew without a keg setup that cost another $200. The bier is really good. Common first mistakes are poor sanitation, warm fermenting and not allowing the bier to sit in secondary long enough.


Any other brewers out there?





i pretty much gave up on secondary fermenting except for certain beers, just leave it in the primary longer, and then cold crash it. i am not a huge fan of the fruit beers either. but i had a very intersting strawberry beer at right brain brewery in traverse city, as well as a basil beer that was surprisingly delicious for a little while.


i run all grain on a very simple single infusion set up with 2 converted kegs and a 26 gal boil pot. and then i keg and bottle from there.

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