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There are alot of people on here with alot of experience. In this case I ask, Between a P79 L28 and a N42 L28, which would make the better turbo motor starting point? Not because I'm too lazy to search but because I just want to know what you think.

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its been said many times the n42 cause of the dished pistons for lower comp ratio....me personally i like to have forged pistons and theyre worth it on a turbo motor....plus you can choose your bore/comp ratio which is very important on deciding how much you want to boost...lower the comp=more boost you can run (safely) the higher comp=less boost BUT BETTER OUT OF BOOST....just depends on what you want....but its also been said by many guys on here that are machinists and engine builders that the n42 is the best cause it has thick walls and can handle the boost and the bigger bores(.040 over for instance) and still put 20+pounds of boost to it

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