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WB 02 values won't read to Megatune


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Innovative LC-1 WB sensor and controller, Megatune 2.25p3, V2.88 code.

My Lambda readout is constantly zero when hooked up to the LC-1. The voltage in free air on analog 2 output is 5 V when measured at pin 20 on the relay board as well when measured at pin 28 of the CPU. I have the EGO sensor set to single wide band. The AFR calibrator has been set to both Innovate LC-1 and also manually entered as a generic wide band with 0V = 7.35 and 5V=22.30. At no time do any of the air fuel mixture readings indicate anything but the minmum reading. Even the real time display shows zero in the O2 graph. Easy you say... pin 28 on the CPU has failed, or the firmware is bad. Well, here is the issue. When I hook up my stimulaor board and run the voltage up and down on the O2 potentiometer, I see the voltage change on pin 28 of the cpu and the O2 reading changes on the display. When I manually put 5V on pin 28 while the stimulaor is running the O2 sensor maxes out. All other sensors such as tach, tps, air temp, water temp all work properly when it is installed in the car. I reflashed the eprom today as well. Any ideas?

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When I hook up the LC-1 directly to the laptop, I get a lambda reading of 22.8. I believe that this is what it should be reading in open air.


By the way; the O2 sensor did work properly until I rewired the engine bay. I have gone over the wiring several times.

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That is the problem. The car won't start. If I need the tach pulse to trigger the O2 sense, and I have the EDIS CAS wired backwards or wrong, I may not be getting the correct tach pulse and the car won't run and the O2 will not be sensed. I thing I need to go back over my EDIS and CAS wiring again. :icon_frow

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I have put a scope on pin 14 of the CPU and watched the trigger from the simulator. I hooked up the MS and watched the pulse while it cranked. I set the stim to the same crank rpm and verified the pulse form. The stim is a narrow pulse that drops from 5V to zero and then goes back up. The input from the EDIS is a square wave. The down-going pulse is at the same location on the scope. The CPU is reading the tach pulse as RPM.

I am also looking at my O2 sensor on pin 28 at the same time. After about 30 seconds of the MS operation the voltage goes to 5V. When I crank the motor, my O2 Lamda continues to read 0.5. When I run the stim the Lambda reading tracks the voltage with no problem. Could there be a setting somewhere that is preventing the reading from being read? It all looks like it should be working. I have gone over my config but it all looks like it should. Any ideas? Here is my .msq zipped up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

IMHO, you should worry about getting EDIS working first; completely aside from the megasquirt or the wideband. It's easy enough to get it sorted and then watch the plugs firing while you turn the engine over.

Then get EDIS and MS talking and working. This is pretty straightforward and unless you have wiring/interference issues it should go smoothly.

Only then do you worry about the wideband. It's only a sensor and your engine can run perfectly well without it at all. At that point you can deal with the wideband without having other issues impeding your diagnosis. The first check on it should be watching it work "standalone" on a running car.

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