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Is this normal amount of oil on valves?


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My car started burning oil a couple days ago. I thought it was a HG or maybe blow by the rings or blown turbo seal. I did a compresison test and with the motor warm and my numbers were 135-130-135-135-132-130. Then i repeated the test with some wd-40 in the cylinders and the numbers all just went up 5. There is no oil in my IC piping but a lot of oil in the exhuast trubine housing. Well anyways i took the intake and exhaust manifold off and noticed a lot of oil running down from the tops of my exhaust valve stems. These pictures are about a hour after the car was running.. Does this look like bad valve seals????





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The pictures are showing a few of the valve stem that are soked in oil. The picture on top is showing 2 valves, the one on left has oil all over it and the one on the right has just a lilttle bit of oil running from the top(the white part is dry).


Should the seals stop all of the oil from getting into the exhaust port or is this what happens to the oil that is left on the stem when you turn your car off?

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