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SERIOUSLY NOW. Are you kidding me?!


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Totally off topic. My friend and I were riding our bikes to Jack n the box it was a green light for us and some guy ran a red light hitting him breaking 3 ribs, the guy was scared so scared or something that he got a bloody nose, my friend didn't do anything to the guy he just said to take him home. So the guy takes him home I go to his house with my bike, as I get there I was asking him what happened. He said nothing he dropped me off and I said "Thank you sir." Later that night we through a party cause he could've died everybody was scared, everybody was saying "You could've gotten a buttload of money with that."

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Double turn lanes, has happened to me,,,, I'll bet 30 plus times! Some times if I am driving a beater I've considered holding my ground, not for money but for principle.


Also, getting off subject, If you are in a turn lane waiting for a clearing from on comeing traffic,,,, and you are tuning into a double lane,,, and the fellow coming at you is signaling to turn into the same direction you are waiting to turn into,,,, YOU BOTH CAN TURN AT THE SAME TIME!


The reason for this is because he sould maintain the same out side lane, and you can pull into your inside lane. SO MANY PEOPLE SWING WIDE!!

I do this a lot and get filped the brid, honked at, gleared at, etc. Funny thing is they are dead wrong and don't even know it!!

The reason I mention this is because well over 90% of people don't know this rule, and it would help clear intersections quicker.

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I saw this ad in the newspaper today:

Free report - Hidden Inside Secrets Insurance Companies Don't Want You To Know About Your Injury Claim 1-800-368-6495 ext 4114


Knowledge is power! You might want to read up on how the scammers/liars/lawyers are operating.

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Pet peve of mine, those double turn lanes. I used to drive a hotel shuttle van (E-350, their insurance not mine) and I would strictly follow in my lane unless it was a bus or RV that physically did not have the same turning radius. Only got bumped into once, but blasted a horn many a time at people who got came too close for comfort. Amazing how many people think its your fault that you are in the lane you are supposed to be in. Perhaps there should be some sort of refresher course on basic traffic laws in larger cities.

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