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Kit car question(s)


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What kind of kit car?


If your considering a Locost then a common US donar car is the S10. In fact there is a site dedicated to this... www.stalkerv6.com


I plan on starting a Locost build next year and have been doing alot of research. One of the best sites is http://www.locostusa.com/forums/index.php It will give you a million ideas!


The Locost may not be as sexy as a GTM but if your careful you can buid one from scratch for less than 10K that will spank most others. Im thinking of building a hayabusa powered version but am not sure that my build talent is up to it.

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mustang 5.0 for a cheaper build and a corvette C5 for a nicer kit. That what factory five uses and you can find both of those cars at reasonable prices and use the engines / suspensions out of both of them. The gtm uses ALOT of the c5 stuff, including the side mirrors.


Im thinking about building a gtm or another kit car this coming summer, I dunno if it will work out though.

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