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First real snow fall...ouch


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.....here is my first in 25 years. Yes its my fault, llittle too quick but no faster than a 100 times before. But this time there was ice under the snow. And I never did get off my street!


The funny thing about it was it happened while I was yanking my sons chain about slipping and falling on his ars on the driveway while taking the garbage out. I guess he won!



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Jeez!!! Im guessing a cub was involved? :)


I had a similar incident, was messing around in a parking lot and doing perfect, had absolute control over my Rav4. Then when I decide to leave on my way home I go around one of the corners and start to slide, a corner in the curb was conveniently placed so my front left went on one side of it and the back tire went on the other side.



Wasnt this bad^ but still cost me $400 for a nuckle.

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Yup a curb....I tried to steer....brake...and then I hit the throttle. It did bring it around and prevent me from parking the Buick in the cedar hedge...but I did hit the curb pretty hard.


Both my sons asked...why did you do that for! :icon52::icon52: They though I was kidding around because I have slid through that corner many many times...with better results!


Snapped the aluminum spindle in half

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Ouch is right. We got about 5 inches out on my side of the city, and it was murder driving around. The first thing i did when I got home was bring the Honda in the garage and take of the 17" summers and put on my winter tires. It made all the difference this morning on the highway with all the jokers still doing 130 on the roads. 400 accidents in 12 hours! yeeshh.


Hope you get it sorted out.

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