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Drax240z Back For Another Round...


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Greetings all, it's been a loooong time since I've visited, and things sure have changed around here! Lots of great changes in my life too, but the long and short of it is I am back to working on the Z! (and hopefully spending a bit more time here)


In the past incarnation of my Z, I popped the motor at the end of the 2006 race season, and have been towing it around behind me ever since. After moving it and storing it in a few locations (outside) I finally own a house and am slowly getting a place to work on it. (outside, but under cover at least) It's suffered a bit from the storage, but the winters plans are to do another motor for it, along with a few other odds and ends. I've been driving a no-fun compact fuel sipper for too long. ;)


Anyway, I just thought I'd say hi. I see a lot of familiar faces still around and I look forward to seeing how you've progressed on your projects!



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