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Help Me Convince the Wife on a Tow Vehicle Package

Tony D

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Obviously the seed planted over Christmas was germinating.


That seed being the phrase: "Just because I don't buy it doesn't mean it won't be stored out back anyway!"


On Friday evening I got word it was still available, and for the negotiated price of $4500.


I passed this on to the wife that evening, and that Saturday Afternoon or Sunday some time, we could go look at it. While riding over to Lowes to get some stuff on Saturday morning, she out of left field blurts:


"You can get the Dually, but you have to paint one of the Z's!"




Where did that come from? I can have it, but I have to paint one of the Z's?


This was not on the table. IMO, the painting of one of the Z's was in the same column as 'Getting a Tow Rig' or 'Heading to Bonneville for a week.' You know, "Those items which I particularly like to do from time to time."


Nothing was mentioned about removing the 7 cars (which I still am progressing on regardless)...


I have to paint one of the Z's!



I guess Santa Claus came late for me this year. I get a Tow Rig Combo, and will have a Shiny Z to put into it!


I am heading to the bank for the cash in 8 minutes, and taking a 1/2 day vacation to go pick up the rig.



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