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can you guess this wire? HELP!!!**

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this is on a '77 280z l28


a few months back, i took my car to a z mechanic and he replaced a couple of wires to help it pass smog. specificly he replaced a heat sensor.


when i went to take a look at my engine yesterday, it looks like he left a wire unhooked, but i dont know what it is.


the wire is located above the intake manifold, and right behind the throttle body.


can someone help me and provide the info of what it is, what it does, and should i plug it back in? thanks






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Airflow regulator. In short, it is the high idle speed control when the engine is cold. Plugging it back in will allow the engine idle speed to come down at a rate that matches its warm up speed during engine warm up, vs leaving it unplugged.

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That plug merley supplies power to the Air Flow Regulator when the key is "on" which heats up the bimtal strip inside the Air Flow Regulator, thereby closing off the internal air passage, decreasing engine idle speed at a rate the more closely coinsides with the engines requirement for cold running idle speed.


If left unplugged, the Air Flow Regulator will still warm up due to the heat generated from the engine radiating into it, but it will take longer than if it was plugged in, and it may not even fully warm up as it would if it were plugged in.


In short, just plug it back in. There is NO reason WHAT-SO-EVER to leave it unplugged. :wink:


Search for the Z car EFI bible on this forum. Find that link and read it. It should help explain all you need to know regarding the factory EFI, how and why the various components do what they do.

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