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Kiwi moving to Canada!


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Hi everyone,


I'm all very excited!! First of all its because my rb25det cranked into life this week, so i should be creating some tire smoke this weekend all going well!!!!!:lol:


And secondly, in June my wife and i are going to live in Edmonton, which will be our home until early 2010.

We are leaving New Zealand in May, going to Japan to get a Japanese Nostalgia Car show :mparty: and plus what ever other car stuff i can see (any suggestions!!). Then we flying to Vancouver, hopefully buy a camper or van we can live out of, and then we drive down the west coast of the U.S, eventually getting back up into Canada and to Edmonton by the beginning of July.


I have no idea what i'm gonna do work wise, but i'll sort something out. However i'm keen to catch up with a few fellow z owners, and maybe i can get a few spare parts etc to take back to NZ!


Whats your thoughts my fellow zedphiles?!! Anything going on that we should most definitely not miss?

ANyone in Vancouver with a van for sale?!!:icon12:


Cheers guys.


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Awesome. You'll enjoy the time spent in Canada. I've lived coast to coast in my short 26yrs of life (born in BC and lived most of my life in Ontario and Nova Scotia). Lots to see and do IMO. Great people and decent coffee too ;)

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Come to Vancouver Island....its one of the most beautiful places in the world (I am kinda biased as Ive lived here my whole life). Check out Victoria, there are lots of touristy things to do, maybe go whale watching. Drive up island and go surfing in Tofino. Nothing beats the west coast of VI!


Why Edmonton btw? If your hoping for work in the oil fields, its not what it was a few years ago....its just not worth it to pull the oil out of the sand at $40 a barrel. Happy travels!

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Yeah, i was pretty keen to go to BC, but then a house swap situation came up in Edmonton, and a few good job opportunity for my wife so decided on there. I'm unsure how jobs will go, i'm a fitter by trade, but i'll give anything a go!!!


New update on my 260z with rb25det: i got it home tonight from the auto electricians. Bled the clutch. and now i just need to get a fuel leak sorted and a bit of a timing check and she should be good to go!!

its running real rich, which could be due to the fact i havent set the fuel pressure on the pressure regulator. at least it wont lean out!


Now as for you fellow kiwis offering to look after my beast!! insurance you say kiwi303?!! now thats something i need to organize. i'm 27, have lost my licence once due to too many speeding tickets and i'm a little freeked of what my insurance bill is going to be for a turboed classic!!

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I've had my licence suspended for 3 months once myself. in my case there were only 2 speeding tickets in the demerit point mix. most were for a broke uni student driving alone on a learners licence, in a non-WOFed car with expired rego... and later on a restricted licence, driving after 10pm alone and carrying passengers.


I still manage a 60% no claims bonus from the insurance co :D



if you're only going for a year, why not get the beast tuned for canadian gas, and ship it over under a carnet du passage. Sort of a passport for cars. Theres a time limit (12 months IIRC), and the car MUST leave after the time limit, so no selling it to a canuck, but it would let you take your own car.

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if you're only going for a year, why not get the beast tuned for canadian gas, and ship it over under a carnet du passage. Sort of a passport for cars. Theres a time limit (12 months IIRC), and the car MUST leave after the time limit, so no selling it to a canuck, but it would let you take your own car.


That would be a pricey venture for the amount of actual use of the car in our Canadian climate.

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