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How To Read a Cam Card?


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Anyone here able to make good sense of this cam card?




Essentially, this is the card for Delta Camshaft's 270/280 split duration cam. I have the straight 280 duration cam. For my purposes, I am to ignore the intake numbers on this card, and "reverse the exhaust numbers to get the intake".


Anyone else able to help me read this card?

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I appreciate the links Grumpy, but they are basically the same as what I have already. A lot of numbers, but no real meaning. I'd like to try to put the numbers to work, meaning I need to know what numbers are for show, and what numbers are for working.

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This is not a cam card as normally supplied by cam grinders. Cam Analyzer is computer program, used with a fixture that rotates a cam in a jig on a bench. Electronic sensors send the rotational, lobe, and lift info to the program which converts the info to data and lobe profile charts. All this info is of little use to an end user, but is very usefull to an engine builder who can use the data to compare cam profiles from one grind to another. The program allows onscreen overlays to quickly visualize and compare grinds, and make a decision as to which profile to use for a given engine. The chart you attached also has all the info that is normally supplied with a std. cam card. If you want to compare this cam to others, the specs you want to pick out of all this mess is:

Lobe centerline

Lobe lift or valve lift


See the cam timing sticky on how to degree your cam, and it will make more sense.




This is just general info supplied by someone who has used this type of equipment.

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