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Where is the tell all Megasquirt thread?


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I am sure that there is already a thread discussing Megasquirt conversion on an L28ET.


I have an 81, with the CAS on the crank.

Stock ECM is shot.

Have an upgraded T3/T4 60 trim.

Going to upgrade to a good rail, and better fuel injectors.

See no reason to keep inadequate factory ECM.


So where is the thread that stated what is needed to buy for a MSII system in a Z?


Did a search, but I get little internet time, and could not find it.


Someone please point me in the right direction.



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Yeah, my guess would be the Megasquirt Forum on this site...


Though, honestly, in the Engine Components Section under the HybridZ index, it is called out as 'MegaSquirt' and not 'megasquirt'...but you would think it shouldn't make a difference when you search...

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Thanks... I feel like a newb now.


I am on zdriver more often. Find myself cruising over here for the good info. I didn't even realize that there was a part of the forum just for MegaSquirt.


So far it's been a help.


I am looking for the wiring on the 81 CAS system. I can use the factory trigger wheel an hall effect from the 81ZXT right? I hear you have to re-orientate the wheel like 71 degrees so it actually sits at TDC. Thought that would be programmable through the MSII.


Where is the actual wiring diagram for using the factory pickup? Did I miss that? I did not see it.


Like I said. I am poor right now, thanks to what I am dumping into the Z. So, I have little internet time. Thanks for the help so far, hope I can get a little more.

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